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No. However repeated measurements can be averaged or otherwise be used to arrive at a more accurate result.

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Q: Will repeating a measurement with the same apparatus will increase its precision?
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How do you increase the precision?

To increase precision, you can use more specific and accurate data, perform more detailed analysis or calculations, reduce variability in measurements, and use more advanced measurement tools or techniques. Regular calibration of instruments and attention to detail during data collection can also help improve precision.

How can you increase the precision of the double in c?

no you cannot increase the precision of double itself in C

What are three steps can you take to insure both accurate and precise measurements?

Calibrate measuring instruments regularly to ensure accuracy. Take multiple measurements and calculate the average to increase precision. Follow proper measurement techniques and minimize sources of error to improve both accuracy and precision.

When precision increases does uncertainty increase or decrease?

When precision increases, uncertainty decreases. Precision refers to the degree to which measurements are consistent and close to each other. Higher precision leads to decreased variability and therefore decreased uncertainty.

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How would you increase the precision of a experiment?

To increase the precision of an experiment, you can ensure that all measurements are taken using high-precision instruments, repeat the experiment multiple times to reduce random errors, and minimize any sources of variability by controlling the experimental conditions carefully. Additionally, increasing the sample size can also enhance the precision of the results.

What can help to increase study precision?

Increasing your sample size might help

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28.57% increase

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The 1997 Economic Census reported 154 establishments for the irradiation apparatus industry, an increase of 17 percent from 1992.

What is the difference in temperature variation from -28 degrees F to 19 degrees F?

47 oF From -28 oF to 0 oF is an increase of 28 oF; from 0 oF to 19 oF is an increase of 19 oF; so an increase from -28 oF to 19 oF is (increase from -28 oF to 0 oF) + (increase from 0 oF to 19 oF) = 28 oF + 19 oF = 47 oF Or mathematically: 19 oF - (-28 oF) = 19 oF + 28 oF = 47 oF * * * * * NO! The Fahrenheit scale is not an absolute scale so the measurement unit for the difference is Fahrenheit degrees, not degrees Fahrenheit. May seem trivial, but mathematics demand precision.

What is the reason why volume of water is bigger than the marked volume of an apparatus?

The volume of water may appear bigger due to meniscus formation, which is the slight curvature at the surface of the water in the apparatus. This can lead to an apparent increase in volume compared to the marked volume on the apparatus.

Increasing the precision of a certain measurement will also increase the accuracy?

Essentially correct. One can get a little out of (warp) with such things as spot-averaging though such as running a number of measurements of the same object and then striking an average. this is done in scientific observations and surveying but is impractical in everyday life, as with clocks, speedometers, etc.