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Without a coat

the coat keeps the cold air in, like a thermos flask

we learnt this in year 3....

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Q: Will snowman with a coat or without melts first?
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Will a snowman melt if you put a coat on it?

no because he will get air inside and eventually keep melting but not as fast but the best way to keep a snowman is to put water around him

Why does Frosty the Snowman have buttons?

because he was made that way and he's a snow man it's like a coat or something.

A kind of coat without sleves?

i don't Know if you call it a coat but what about a vest

What kind of coat is made without buttons?

Coat of Paint

What age does the sheep give wool?

Lambs are born bearing their first coat of fleece, but it is not shorn from the animal until it is old enough to survive in its geography without a full coat.

Can Scyther evolve without a metal coat?

No, of course not. You have to trade it with a metal coat on

Can you wash car after appling a clear coat?

Sure but without pressure for the first month until the clear dries fully

Would putting a coat on a snowman make him melt quicker and why?

no because coats are warm. Coats warm you up by trapping heat that your body generates. Snowmen don't generate body heat. If the coat is a dark color, it will absorb heat from the sun and transfer that heat to the snowman. Snow reflects almost all of the sun's rays, so a coat will make him melt faster.

A kind of coat without no sleeves?


Can a seed grow without a seed coat?

Most seeds require a seed coat for protection and regulation of germination. Without a seed coat, a seed may be more vulnerable to damage and can struggle to germinate successfully. However, some seeds may still be able to germinate without a seed coat under specific conditions.

What goes out in the rain without putting its coat on?

A fire.