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You wouldn't necessarily "know" without being examined, but you can easily see if you have the classic symptoms by Googling for "concussion symptoms" and making an appointment with a doctor.
Phil First of all, I have no medical training. That being said, from what I understand, NO, you won't always know if you have a concussion. If you think you might have a concussion, you should GO TO A DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY! Depending on what happened to you, you might, for instance, have bleeding inside your skull that could be really dangerous and could even kill you. And you might not know it at all. A doctor may perform simple tests to check that your eyes are working normally, that you can move all your muscles and feel things normally, and that you're thinking normally. You may also get more sophisticated tests to look at your brain inside your skull to check for bleeding or swelling. If you think there's a possibility that you have a concussion, I believe you should go to a doctor. You might feel signs of bad things that could be happening - or you might not. You should especially see a doctor if you have a headache. Get things checked out before it's too late.

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Q: Will you always know if you have a concussion after hitting your head?
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What happens if you hit your head so hard many times and you never get head injuries?

Idk. but I do know that you may have concussions when you get these hard hits in the head. A concussion can be mild and you might be dizzy. A concussion can be severe and you lose your memory.

How do you know if you don't have a concussion?

no longer headaches nausea vomiting area in head is swollen if doctor lease has not been prescribed to patient and individual does not feel any like symptoms of a concussion you should wait an extra day to examine the concussion on effected part of the head(cranium/brain)

Can you heal from a concussion?

Yes, you can die from a concussion. If you are hit in the head hard enough, it can cause bleeding within the skull. In particular if an artery is affected (epidural bleed), it can cause death quickly. Subdural bleeds (veins) can also cause pressure buildup and death, but more gradually. Both of these are not very common though.

Could you have concussion and not know it?

The symptoms of concussion are dizziness and nausea (feeling like you might throw up) and a sore head. However it is possible to have delayed concussion which means that the injury has happened but you don't get the symptoms until later. This can be a problem if you have gone home alone thinking that you are OK and the symptoms come on when there is no-one around to get you to hospital.

Is the reason I'm having headaches is because i had a concussion?

Only a qualified physician can diagnose your problem. Concussion or TBI can cause head pain, but to know for sure this is the trouble and not something more sinister, please see a headache specialist or other doctor.

Should you go to school tomorrow if you suffered a concussion?

if u know for sure its a concussion stay home=== === === ===

Can you have a smoothie if you have a concussion?

yes but drink it slow. i Know from experience

How do you know a toddler has a concussion?

There is really no way to be sure. The child should go to a doctor to be sure. Any hard blow to the head can cause this. Look for bad bump, redness and swelling.

How do you know when your head is too big?

When everyone tells you or you are always hearing it.

Why does johnny like it better when his dad hitting him in the outsiders?

there, well Johnny likes it better when the old man is hitting him because when he is out around he don't even know he's gone. But see, when his father is hitting him his father knows he is there.. Johnny always liked attention.

What is the problem when someone experience memory loss outside of amnesiac?

well hitting your self on the head with a hammer might cause that know woudn't it

What can happen if you go a week with a concussion and you didnt know you had one?

If you have gone a week without any symptoms then there should be nothing to worry about but be very careful in future and get any head injury checked out by a doctor.