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should be 1/6 chance for one. So 1/192 .5 percent

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Q: With two dice what is the probability to throw a 7 three times in a row?
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With two dice what is the probability to throw a 2 three times in a row?


What is the probability of throwing 6 sixes with three dice?

zero as you only have 3 dice, with the number 6 on them only once on each dice. so if you are lucky you can only throw 6 3 times using 3 dice.

If 11 is the sum and you roll two dice what is the probability of getting 11 if you toss the dice 54 times?

The probability of getting 11 with one throw of 2 dice is 1/6*1/6*2 = 1/18 So the probability of not getting 11 with 1 throw of the dice is 17/18. Tossing the dice 54 times, the probability of not getting 11 54 times is (17/18)54 = 0.0456... So the probability of at least 1 roll of 11 is 1 - 0.0456 = 0.954

What is the probability of getting a multiple of 3 or 4 in throwing a dice?

It depends on how many times you throw it! On a single throw, the answer is 0.5

What is the probability of rolling a dice and getting an odd number?

The probability of getting an odd number in a single throw of a fair die (not dice!) is 1/2.The probability of getting an odd number in a single throw of a fair die (not dice!) is 1/2.The probability of getting an odd number in a single throw of a fair die (not dice!) is 1/2.The probability of getting an odd number in a single throw of a fair die (not dice!) is 1/2.

Three dice are throw and observe a number on top of each face.what is the probability that all three numbers are different?

It is 0.55... recurring.

How many times must you throw two standard dice to be sure you get the same sum at least twice?

The probability of gettting a particular sum on a standard set of dice depends on which sum you are seeking. For example, the sums of 2 and 12 have a probability of 1 in 36, or about 0.0278; while the sum of 7 has a probability of 6 in 36, or 1 in 6, or about 0.167.Specifically answering the question; it is not possible to guarantee a particular outcome in a random throw, or in a series of random throws, of the dice. You can only talk about probability. Let's take the worst case of trying to throw a 2 or a 12. Even of you throw the dice 100 times, the probability is only 0.0278100, or about 2.34 x 10-156 that you will not throw the 2 or 12; so, the probability is extremely good that you will throw a 2 or 12 in 100 throws, but it is not guaranteed. That's the thing about probability.

What is the probability of scoring 8 at the throw of a dice?

If using a normal cube, the probability is 0.

What is the probability of rolling an even number with 3 dice?

With one roll of three dice, the probability is 7/8.

What is the probability that 3 heads come up on a throw of 3 dice?

The probability is very, very small, because there are no heads marked anywhere on the dice.

If a dice is rolled three times what is the probability of rolling a 3 each time?

50% chance

What is the probability of rolling a dice 7?

With a single throw of a normal die, the probability is 0.With a single throw of a normal die, the probability is 0.With a single throw of a normal die, the probability is 0.With a single throw of a normal die, the probability is 0.