adding fractions is like adding a WHOLE lot of parts of numbers
a mixed number is a whole number with a fraction, ie. 2 3/4 Adding mixed numbers involves adding the whole numbers, then adding the fractions, then reducing the fraction and if it is improper, changing it to a whole number with a fraction and adding that whole number to the other whole number answer.
Adding decimal same as adding whole numbers
Integers are whole numbers, both positive and negative. Therefore, adding and subtracting integers would be adding and subtracting whole numbers. Examples: 8+2 -8+2 8-2 -8-2
Whole numbers are numbers without fractions or decimals. Natural numbers are numbers you usually count with.
Integers include 0, the negative numbers without fractional parts, and the positive numbers without fractional parts. The "without fractional parts" part of the description implies that all of the integers are whole numbers. Therefore, if you are adding integers, you are adding whole numbers.
adding fractions is like adding a WHOLE lot of parts of numbers
when you add mixed numbers you have a whole number but adding fraction does not.
a mixed number is a whole number with a fraction, ie. 2 3/4 Adding mixed numbers involves adding the whole numbers, then adding the fractions, then reducing the fraction and if it is improper, changing it to a whole number with a fraction and adding that whole number to the other whole number answer.
Adding decimal same as adding whole numbers
It can be same because it,s just the decimal
Integers are whole numbers, both positive and negative. Therefore, adding and subtracting integers would be adding and subtracting whole numbers. Examples: 8+2 -8+2 8-2 -8-2
You will probably get the wrong answer. Pay attention!
46 3/4 - 27
Whole numbers are numbers without fractions or decimals. Natural numbers are numbers you usually count with.
Really? whole numbers are like dollar bills. if there is no change then $1.00 can be just $1 a whole number, no decimals, and so can all other total dollar amounts.
No because whole numbers are integers without decimals or fractions