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public class Primes {

public static void main(String[] args) {

for(int i = 2; i < 100; i++) {

if(isPrime(i)) {





public static boolean isPrime(int n) {

if(n 0) return false;


return true;




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Q: Without array Java code to print prime numbers from 1 to 100?
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Write a program to print first 100 alternative prime numbers?

This would require some computer knowledge. It can make it easier to find out the prime numbers without figuring it out in your head.

Program for print prime all number from 1 to 100 in foxpro?

Prime numbers are numbers that are only divisible by themselves and the number 1. You can write a program to print all prime numbers from 1 to 100 in FoxPro.

How do you write a program in java to read ten numbers and print sum of ten integers?

Add the numbers into one variable as you read them in. But if you prefer, you can read the numbers into an array and then use a loop to add the numbers together.

Write a program to enter the numbers till the user wants and at the end it should display the count of positive and negative and zeros entered without using array?

1 PRINT "Kindly enter your next number, Master, or 'x' to end and total them up." 2 INPUT a$: IF a$ = "x" or a$ = "X" then GOTO 10 3 K = VAL(a$) 4 If K&lt;0 then neg=neg+1: PRINT: GOTO 1 5 If K&gt;0 then pos=pos+1: PRINT: GOTO 1 6 If K=0 then Z=z+1: PRINT: GOTO 1 10 PRINT: PRINT "Thank you, Master. I cannot express the joy that this exercise has brought me. Here are your results: " 11 PRINT: PRINT "The number of positive numbers you entered was "; pos; "." 12 PRINT: PRINT "The number of negative numbers you entered was "; neg; "." 13 PRINT: PRINT "The number of zeros you entered was "; Z; "." 15 PRINT: PRINT: PRINT "Would you like to play again, Master ?" 16 PRINT "Kindly touch 'x' if no, or any other key if yes. I can hardly wait." 17 Input a$: IF a$ &lt;&gt; "X" and a$ &lt;&gt; "x" then GOTO 20 18 PRINT: PRINT "It has been my pleasure to cavort with you today, Master." 19 PRINT "Y'all come back now, y'hear !" : END 20 PRINT: CLS: PRINT "Oh GOODY! I love this game!" 21 pos=0: neg=0: Z=0 22 GOTO 1

To find answers to composite numbers fast?

There may not be any fast methods. In fact, composite numbers which are the product of two very large primes are used for public key encryption. This depends on the fact that there is no fast answer to factorising composite numbers.

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Create an array like so $numbers = array(); $numbers['0'] = "ZERO"; $numbers['1'] = "ONE"; and so on.. till you decide that's enough then to print it, echo the array with the desired key like so.. Example I print 5 in words echo $numbers['5']; which would print FIVE Good luck

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Write a program to print first 100 alternative prime numbers?

This would require some computer knowledge. It can make it easier to find out the prime numbers without figuring it out in your head.

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If you have the series stored in an array, you loop through the array and print each array element in turn. Another possibility is to print out the numbers in the series as you generate them. In that case, you may not need to store anything (depending on the series, of course).

Program for print prime all number from 1 to 100 in foxpro?

Prime numbers are numbers that are only divisible by themselves and the number 1. You can write a program to print all prime numbers from 1 to 100 in FoxPro.

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maxValue = function (array) {mxm = array[0];for (i=0; i&lt;array.length; i++) {if (array[i]&gt;mxm) {mxm = array[i];}}return mxm;}; i don't know

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Well the most prolific answer to this query would be the use of pointers.Use a pointer and allocate it to the array of interest and start printing.

How do you write a program to print prime numbers from 1 to 100 in PHP?

&lt;pre&gt; &lt;?php $limit = 100; $primeList = array(); for($i = 2; $i &lt; round(sqrt($limit)); $i++) { foreach($primeList as $num) { if($i%$num 0)) continue 2; } $prime[] = $i; } print_r($prime); ?&gt; &lt;/pre&gt; Based on Sieve of Erathosthenes. See the related link for further information.

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The simplest way is probably to read the numbers into an array and then prints each element of the array starting at the last one and moving backwards.

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You want to write a simple without using pointer or array c program which will print greatest number when you give 20 number?

i want to write a simple without using pointer or array c program which will print greatest number when i give 20 number .........How far have you gotten so far?