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Q: Word meaning to accept without proof or to take for granted?
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Do axioms and postulates require proof?

No. Axioms and postulates are statements that we accept as true without proof.

Which words mean the same as 'taking it for granted with no proof'?

Trust, accept, rely on, have faith in, presume true, deem, postulate...

Accept without proof?

belief, accepting something as truth without the burden of proof or evidence. I don't know China exists, I've never been there and seen it with my own eyes, I have no proof. But I believe the people who have, I accept their experience as truth.

A statement we accept as true without proof is a?

it is called an axiom

Six-lettered word meaning 'state without proof'?


What is a synonym for assume?

The verb "assume" in noun form would be "assumption." An assumption is something that people accept as a truth or a certainty of occurence, despite no presence of proof. Another definition of the word assumption is to take on a role or responsibility.

What is a 10 letter word meaning to assume to be true without complete proof?


Im in an abusive relationship and its more mental than physical will a shelter acceppt me if i dont have any proof of abuse?

It would depend on the shelter, but it's extremely likely that they would accept without proof.

Why do all atheist pretend there is no God when everyone of them really knows for a fact there is?

To answer the question, an Atheist does not accept god claims due to lack of testible proof. There are no facts, just faith (belief in something without, or in spite of, proof) and conclusions without verifiable evidence. If there were varifiable evidence of a god, an atheist would have no choice but to accept there is a god claim as being factual and true.

Is assume a verb?

Yes, assume, meaning to guess without evidence, is a verb.A verb is a word that describes an action (run, walk, etc), a state of being (exist, stand, etc) or occurrence (happen, become, etc).

An is an idea taken for granted as being true?

An assumption is a belief that is accepted as true without proof or evidence. It is often made unconsciously and can shape our perceptions and decisions.

Can the word conjecture be used as a verb?

Conjecture is a noun, the corresponding verb is to conject, meaning to form an opinion without proof.