Some words with the prefix 'sep' are septic, September, and septuagenarian.
Some words with the prefix 'hep' are hepatitis, heptathlon, and heptathlete.
In-sep-a-ra-ble OR in-sep-ara-ble depending on how you pronounce the word.
How about: TODAY
There are four syllables. Sep-a-rat-ed.
There are three syllables. Sep-a-rate.
tri qua pen hex hep sep oct non dec hen dod
sep 21st
Sep 23, 2010
Started on Sep.5, 2001
1 Sep 2016 was a Thursday.
It started on Sep. 20, 2011.
it starts sep. 1st and ends nov. 30th.
Yes, on Sep. 20, 2011.
to start: * anfangen (sep) - etwas fängt an (fing an - hat angefangen) * beginnen - beginnt - begann - hat begonnen
Can you have both a Sep Ira and a Sep Ira?
Practical may be start after 29'th sep
9-01-2011, for 2010 it was split between Sep and Nov.