we normally say 6 is a multiple of 2 and 3
which means by multiplying 2 and 3 we can get 6
or 10 is a multiple of 2 and 5
which in result gives 10
thats what multiple mean.
Smallest of Multiple Addition
ring -jewelry - bell
Dec- or Deci-
Two words with same meaning are called synonyms.
Two words with the same meaning are called synonyms.
How about:Jack:Device for raising a carA sailorA target ball in bowlsRose:FlowerSprinkler head of a watering can[There are more meanings of the above words.]
What does multiplication combinations means
right and left
here are some multiple meaning words.Pen ,yard,stories,bee,play,blue,right,pool,flick,cool,there are much more. but my hands are getting tired.do you think you can help me out with more multiple meaning words.
anxietytensionnervousnesspressurehave butterflies in ones stomach
A pun is a play on words that exploits multiple meanings or words that sound alike but have different meanings. It involves using wordplay to create humor or add a twist to the intended meaning.
many, multiple, abundance, plethora, etc.
there are multiple words here are a few:AmityUnityUnionOrder
Multiple meaning words are important because they can lead to confusion or misunderstanding in communication if not interpreted correctly. Understanding the different meanings of a word allows for clearer and more accurate communication between individuals. It also enriches language by providing depth and nuances to vocabulary.
The word "polytheistic" comes from the Greek words "poly" meaning "many" and "theos" meaning "god." Together, they refer to the belief in or worship of multiple gods.
Polyanthi is derived from the Greek words "poly" meaning many and "anthos" meaning flower. It refers to plants that produce multiple flowers on a single stem or branch.
Permit, authorize, and enable are some words that have a similar meaning to allow.