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Yes, water expands as it freezes. Liquid water's density is about 1.0 g/mL, but ice's density is 0.92 g/mL. See related link.

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Q: Would 1 gram of solid ice take up more space than 1 gram of liquid water?
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What is an examples of liquid in solid?

Ice is a solid and water is a liquid, so an ice cube floating in a glass of water would be a solid in a liquid solution. Lava is molten rock, which would also be a solid in liquid solution.

What is an example of solid in liquid solution?

Ice is a solid and water is a liquid, so an ice cube floating in a glass of water would be a solid in a liquid solution. Lava is molten rock, which would also be a solid in liquid solution.

What do you have to do a liquid to change it into solid?

In the case of water (liquid) you would freeze it into ice (solid).

Does water expand or contract when it changes from liquid to solid?

Water expands when it changes from liquid to solid. This is because water molecules form a crystalline structure called ice, which takes up more space than the same amount of liquid water.

Is gas solid or liquid?

There is three states of matter.Solid,Liquid and gas. So nope. Gas is neither solid nor liquid. It is a matter becoz it occupy space.

Is mist a solid liquid or gas?

A mist is a gas. It is not a solid or a liquid. An example of a solid would be a rock, of a liquid would be water and of gas would be steam. Other examples of are gas: steam vapor/vapour (water vapour)

Is an icecube a liqiud?

Considering it's frozen water, that would be a yes. No, it isn't. Ice is water in its solid state. A solid is not a liquid, therefore an icecube is NOT a liquid.

How does water changes from solid to liquid?

water is a solid then it melts now it is a liquid

Why does solid water float when placed in liquid water?

Solid water (ice) floats on liquid water because it is less dense than liquid water. As the temperature of water decreases and it freezes into ice, the molecules are arranged in a lattice structure with more space between them, causing the ice to be less dense and therefore float on top of the denser liquid water.

How does a solid change from a solid to a liquid?

When water freezes it changes from a liquid to a solid. When water boils or evaporates it changes from a liquid to a gas.

What part of our body goes from solid to solid and liquid to liquid?

our food and water, you eat it as a solid and it comes out as a solid, mostly. when you drink water it goes in as a liquid and comes out as a liquid.

Does liquid matter or solid matter take up more space?

Liquid matter typically takes up more space than solid matter because the particles in a liquid are not as closely packed together as in a solid. This is why liquids have a fixed volume but can take the shape of their container.