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Q: Would 1 quat more or less than 1 liter?
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How do you say french numbers 1-20?

1- un 2- deux [duh] 3- trois [twa] 4- quat [cat] 5- cinq [sank] 6- six [seese] 7- sept 8- huit [wheat] 9- neuf [nuf] 10- dix [deese] 11- ounze [oonze] 12- douze [doze] 13- treize [trez] 14- quatre [quat] 15- quinze [cans] 16- seize [seys] 17- dix-sept [deese sept] 18- dix-huit [deese wheat] 19- dix-neuf [deese nuf] 20- vingt [vent]

How do you say numbers 1 to 200 in french?

1. Un2. Deux3. Trois4. Quatre (sometimes you can hear people saying Quat')5. Cinq (we sometimes say Cin')6. Six7. Sept8. Huit9. Neuf10. Dix11. Onze12. Douze13. Treize14. Quatorze15. Quinze16. Seize17. Dix-Sept18. Dix-huit19. Dix-neuf20. Vingt21. Zéro 30 trente - 31 trente et un - 32 trente-deux - 33 trente-trois - 34 trente-quatre - 35 trente-cinq - 36 trente-six - 37 trente-sept - 38 trente-huit - 39 trente-neuf40 quarante - 41 quarante et un - 42 quarante-deux - 43 quarante-trois - 44 quarante-quatre - 45 quarante-cinq - 46 quarante-six - 47 quarante-sept - 48 quarante-huit - 49 quarante-neuf50 cinquante - 51 cinquante et un - 52 cinquante-deux - 53 cinquante-trois - 54 cinquante-quatre - 55 cinquante-cinq - 56 cinquante-six - 57 cinquante-sept - 58 cinquante-huit - 59 cinquante-neuf60 soixante - 61 soixante et un - 62 soixante-deux - 63 soixante-trois - 64 soixante-quatre - 65 soixante-cinq - 66 soixante-six - 67 soixante-sept - 68 soixante-huit - 69 soixante-neuf70 soixante-dix - 71 soixante et onze - 72 soixante-douze - 73 soixante-treize - 74 soixante-quatorze - 75 soixante-quinze - 76 soixante-seize - 77 soixante-dix-sept - 78 soixante-dix-huit - 79 soixante dix-neuf80 quatre-vingts - 81 quatre-vingt-un - 82 quatre-vingt-deux - 83 quatre-vingt-trois - 84 quatre-vingt-quatre - 85 quatre-vingt-cinq - 86 quatre-vingt-six - 87 quatre-vingt-sept - 88 quatre-vingt-huit - 89 quatre-vingt-neuf90 quatre-vingt-dix -91 quatre-vingt-onze - 92 quatre-vingt-douze - 93 quatre-vingt-treize - 94 quatre-vingt-quatorze - 95 quatre-vingt-quinze - 96 quatre-vingt-seize - 97 quatre-vingt-dix-sept - 98 quatre-vingt-dix-huit - 99 quatre-vingt dix-neuf100 cent100-cent101- cent-et-un102- cent deux103- cent trois104- cent quatre105- cent cinq106- cent six107- cent sept108- cent huit109- cent neuf110- cent dix111- cent onze112- cent douze113- cent treize114- cent quatorze115- cent quinze116- cent seize117- cent dix-sept118- cent dix-huit119- cent dix-neuf120- cent vingt121- cent vingt-et-un122- cent vingt deuxetc.130- cent trenteetc.140- cent quarante150- cent cinquante160- cent soixante170- cent soixante-dix171- cent soixante-onze172- cent soixante douze173- cent soixant treize174- cent soixante quatorze175- cent soixante quinze176- cent soixante seize177- cent soixante dix-sept178- cent soixante dix-huit179- cent soixante dix-neuf180- cent quatre-vingt181- cent quatre-vingt-et-un182- cent quatre-vingt deuxetc.190- cent quatre-vingt dix191- cent quatre-vingt onzeetc.200- deux cent

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Dung Quat refinery was created in 2009.

When was Cao Ba Quat born?

Cao Ba Quat was born in 1809.

When did Cao Ba Quat die?

Cao Ba Quat died in 1853.

When was Phan Huy Quat born?

Phan Huy Quat was born in 1908.

When was Le Manoir aux Quat' Saisons created?

Le Manoir aux Quat' Saisons was created in 1984.

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How many pints are in a quat?

There are two pints in a quart.

What is Etheopia's national tree?

Quat And It's spelled Ethiopia.

What is a kind of material that occurs in a crystalline form?

it is called the quat

Can you provide an explanation of the term "split quat" and its significance in the context of computer programming?

A split quat is a type of data structure used in computer programming to represent rotations in three-dimensional space. It is significant because it allows for more efficient calculations and smoother interpolation of rotations compared to other methods.

How do you syllabicate aquatic?

There are three syllables like so: a-quat-ic.

What is the prefix quat?

If you mean "quad", its' meaning is "four" (4)