To the nearest thousand, it is 5000.
4740 or 5000
5,067 is 5000
The two hundreds on either side of the number are 5000 and 5100. The first is nearer, and so the answer is 5000.
It would round to 5000.
5000 would round to 5000.
4500 if rounding to the nearest thousand.
The least number that rounds to 5000 is 4950. When rounding to the nearest thousand, any number from 4950 to 5049 will round to 5000. This is because 4950 is closer to 5000 than it is to 4000, and 5049 is closer to 5000 than it is to 6000.
Any number from 5000 to 14999 would round to 10000.
As there is a zero in the hundreds position, it will round down to 5000.
To the nearest thousand, it is 5000.