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Q: Would Inspection time equals loss of productivity true or false?
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False productivity is completing work, but not the work that is currently needed. You might be doing a lot of work, but you're not moving forward, and you're not producing anything or getting any results. Similar to riding on a stationary bike - you are biking as hard and fast as you can, but not getting anywhere.One term for false productivity is "spinning your wheels" or "shamming."

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The answer is "FALSE".

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False. 54 cm equals 540 mm.

What is equality in java?

equality is the status in Java wherein two objects are the same. the equals() method is used to check for equality. obj1.equals(obj2) would return a boolen value true or false signifying the equality. If the two objects are equal this would return a TRUE or else a FALSE ex: String str1 = "Hi"; String str2 = "Hiiii"; String str3 = "Hi"; System.out.println(str1.equals(str2)); System.out.println(str1.equals(str3)); The above code would print false true in the console.

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False, 12 x 12 equals 143!JOKES! It actually equals 144!hehe!

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The answer is FALSE.