i believe it is 26 Actually it depends on how often you are paid. If you are paid annually you get paid once per year, if you are paid semi-annually that means twice per year. Monthly you would be paid 12 times a year. Semi-monthly you would receive 24 checks per year. You would be paid 26 times a year if you are paid bi-weekly (which is every 2 weeks).
That depends on how much you were getting paid initially. If, for example, you were getting paid $1000, two percent of that would be $1000*0.02 = $20. With the 2% raise, you would then be paid $1020.
they would get paid a lot of money like 1.000 or more it depends on what time they get at work and when their there.
An accrued expense is an accounting expense that is recognized in the books but has not yet been paid. It is usually a current expense. An accrued expense is paid when the due date for payment has reached, for example, wages are accounted for in the books before they are paid, but are usually paid either on a monthly or weekly basis depending on the policies of the company.
I think a blacksmith would have been paid in wood.
Well, honey, technically speaking, most family caregivers don't get paid for taking care of their parents. It's usually a labor of love situation, not a cash cow. But hey, if you're looking to make a buck off your folks, you might want to look into some government assistance programs or long-term care insurance. Just don't expect a big fat paycheck for wiping noses and changing diapers.
George Washington would have been paid about $25,000 for his service as President of the United States. He turned this down and was paid nothing for his service.
You can find out at irs.gov.
The expedition to explore the New World was funded by Queen Isabella of Spain. The cost of the expedition was provided by the Spanish crown, which invested around 1,467,000 maravedis (about 30,000 ducats) in total.
The British Navy sent Vancouver on his expedition. It would have been paid for by the British government.
Not enough and she has no baby pictures which would have been priceless!
The records of the Conservatorio dell'Ospedale della Pietà, where Vivaldi was maestro di violino beginning in 1703, show that he was paid for 140 concerti between 1723 and 1733. Therefore it is a good bet that RV 93 was written during this period. If you date the work as of 1733, you should be safe.
They do get paid but it hasn't been disclose how much they get
There is no set time when a bonus has to be paid. Bonuses have been paid on any given day. They have been paid quarterly, yearly, monthly, or weekly.
If an accrual is made for salaries before they are paid, that accrual would be a balance sheet (the other side of the transaction would be your salary expense). When the salaries have been paid, the liability is reduced.
I have no idea i never been there! Sorrry!