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Q: Would the states of poverty and being rich be independent or dependent variables?
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What is a prediction that states both indepedant and depend variables?

A prediction that states both an independent and a dependent variable is called a hypothesis. A hypothesis is stated as such: if "independent statement", then "dependent statement."

Is the Porto Rico independent or dependent country?

It's a territorial possession of the United States

Is Puerto Rico independent or dependent of another country?

No. Puerto Rico is a US possession. Basically dependent.

What are the 3 scientific variables?

The Independent Variable : It is the ONE thing you plan to be different in the experiment. You decide on what is going to be different BEFORE doing the experiment. Dependent Variable or Outcome Variable : It is the result you compare of measure in the experiment. Controlled Variable : This is the part of the experiment that you DO NOT CHANGE. This is what STAYS THE SAME.

What is more general between Schrodinger time independent or time dependent wave equation?

The time-independent Schrödinger equation is more general as it describes the stationary states of a quantum system, while the time-dependent Schrödinger equation describes the time evolution of the wave function. The time-independent equation can be derived from the time-dependent equation in specific situations.

What does the Central Limit Theorem state?

The Central Limit Theorem (abbreviated as CLT) states that random variables that are independent of each other will have a normally distributed mean.

What alliance was formed after the former USS.R dissolved?

A common wealth of independent states.

How were dependent states different from allied states and what is n example of each?

Dependent states were states that Napoleon's relatives governed, and allied states were states that he had conquered.

Is force independent or dependent with acceleration?

Force is an independent variable that can cause acceleration in an object. The relationship between force and acceleration is described by Newton's second law of motion, which states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it.

How many independent countries does north America have?

There are three independent countries within the continent of North America. These countries include: Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The dependent countries in North America include Bermuda, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, and Greenland.

What is the difference between an independent executor and an executor?

An independent executor is one who works independently from the court. A dependent executor must seeks the court's permission to perform most acts, such as selling property, borrowing money, or distributing assets. A person or entity could be either dependent or independent. For example, a spouse would typically be independent, but might be dependent if there were controversy in the case. The test is usually whether there needs to be court oversight. Please be aware that each state has different laws on this subject. The above specifically refers to Texas, but is fairly general. Some states might be quite different.

How was Phoenicia organized?

It was a series of independent city-states.