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Q: Would you consider the word thrifty negative or positive?
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Would you consider Ferdinand Magellan a positive or a negative person in history?

Yes i would say he is a positive person in history.

Was bay of pigs a positive or negative effect?

Most people would consider it having a negative effect

When subtracting a negative and a positive your answer would be a positive?

If you are subtracting the negative from the positive, the answer will be positive. If you are subtracting the positive from the negative, the answer will be negative.

When you multiply a positive number by a negative by a negative one what is the sign of the answer?

A negative times a positive is a negative and that negative times a negative would = a positive. So the answer would be a positive number. *<:)

If a is a negative number what would -a be?

If a i positive, -a is negative; if a is negative, -a is positive.

Would a positive multiplied by a negative be a positive?

No. A positive times a negative is always negative. A negative times a negative is always a positive.

What would be the answer to positive 3 times negative 4?

A positive times a negative is negative, so positive 3 times negative 4 would be negative 12.

Is a negative a positive is what?

A Negative plus a positive = a negative because negative and a positive cannot work together Negative + Negative= Positive Positive + Positive = Positive when your dealing with numbers such as : -2 + 2 would equal a negative 4 -2 +-2 would equal a positive 4

If a negative is divided by a positive what does it equal?

If a negative is divided by a positive, the resulting quotient will be negative. If a negative is divided by another negative, the quotient would be positive.

What is a negative decimal divided by a positive decimal?

You just divide like you would divide any other decimal, and then... Positive and Positive = Positive Negative and Negative = Positive Positive and Negative = Negative I hope my answer helped! :)

What would 3 x - 4?


Why is it when you multiply a negative by a positive you get a negative?

you would get a negative