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Q: Would you find the volume or the capacity if you wanted to know how much juice a jug holds?
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Would you find the volume or capacity if you wanted to know how much juice a jug holds?


Would you think of volume or capacity if you wanted to know how much juice a jug holds?

volume because u want to know how much it hold so volume means how much it holds.

What is the amount a container holds?

The amount a container will hold is the volume of the container. It is also the Capacity if the container has liquid in it.

What teapot holds more liquid?

The teapot with the larger capacity will hold more liquid. You can determine the capacity of a teapot by checking the volume measurement in ounces or milliliters provided by the manufacturer.

What is another word for capacious?

some more words for capacity are volume, size, dimensions, measurements, bulk. hope these help

Where can I find out the capacity of my local hall?

To do that its would be best for you to go and asking a person who rents the local hall the capacity of people it holds. Because any local hall and a range of capacity.

If you have a tank that holds volume capacity of thirty gallons how do you convert that to find the volume capacity of helium?

Thirty gallons of anything is thirty gallons. Maybe you're asking about compressing helium, but you need to say what pressure you're using and what temperature, to determine how much helium will fit into a 30 gallon tank.

Can a container hold volume or mass?

A container holds volume.

What tool would you use to see how much water a tablespoon holds?

volume/liter. No need to thank me.

A container holds 135ml of dry sand what is the cubic volume of this container?

At least 135 millilitres. If it was full of sand then its capacity is 135 ml but there is nothing in the question to indicate that it was filled with the sand.

which unit of capacity will you use to measure the liquid in a perfume bottle?

You can measure liquid volume using metric units such as milliliter (mL) and liter (L). A dropper holds about 1 milliliter. A water bottle holds about 1 liter.

Explain how to measure the volume of gas?

The volume of a gas can be determined by measuring the volume of the container that holds it