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yes because horizontal lines are across and vertical lines is up n down

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Q: Would you interpretations be different if the graph had vertical bars instead horizontal bars Explain?
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To find the sin/cos at a given point on the unit circle, draw a radius to that point. Then break the radius into components - one completely horizontal and one completely vertical. The sine is the vertical component, the cosine is the horizontal component.

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Biology can be described as having both a vertical and horizontal scale because the vertical scale refers to the different levels of biological organization, from molecules to ecosystems, while the horizontal scale represents the diversity of life across different species and their interactions. In essence, the vertical scale focuses on the structural hierarchy of living organisms, whereas the horizontal scale highlights the variety of species and their relationships in an ecosystem.

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A tube furnace is a type of high-temperature furnace usually used in manufacturing and research laboratories. It is generally cylindrical in shape, and can be either horizontal or vertical.

How do you explain the Tags BR and HR?

br is a line break, hr is a horizontal adds vertical spacing between elements on a page, much like the spacing between to paragraphs of adds a horizontal line. example:before hrafter hr

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Only the vertical height of the stairs is measured for work because it accounts for the change in potential energy associated with lifting oneself to a higher elevation against gravity. The horizontal distance does not significantly affect the amount of work done as it does not require overcoming any vertical displacement.

Explain in your own words why the line x4 is a vertical line?

Because X (which in this case is always 4) is the value of the horizontal axis so the only value that can change is Y, the verticle axis.

Could give you Big sentence with different meaning?

Certainly! Here is a sentence with multiple interpretations: "I saw a man on a hill with a telescope."