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Q: Would you rather a pound of quarters or dimes?
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Depends what size bags, dimes, quarters??

What is the value of a pound of nickels dimes and quarters?

A US pound is 453.6 grams. A nickel weighs 5 grams so there are 453.6/5 = 90.7 nickels. You can't have a part of a nickel, so assuming you have 91 nickels their value would be 91*$0.05 = $4.55 A dime weighs 2.27 gm, or 0.08 oz so there are 200 dimes, or $20, in a pound. A pound of quarters is also worth about $20.00 Total: $44.55

If you had a pound of dimes how much money would you have?

200 dimes or $20

What weighs more a pound of pennies or a pound of dimes?

Both a pound of pennies and a pound of dimes would weigh the same, as they both weigh a pound. The difference lies in the quantity of coins; a pound of dimes would have fewer coins because dimes are heavier than pennies.

What is 1 pound of US coins worth?

It depends entirely on what coins you use...for example you'll have more with dimes than with quarters.

How much is 1 pound of American money?

That depends if you are weighing dollars, pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars, or coin dollars.

How many silver quarters would it take to weigh one pound?

It would take approximately 72 silver quarters to weigh one pound.

What is worth more a pound of dime or a kilogram of dimes?

A kilogram of dimes is worth more because it is larger in weight compared to a pound of dimes. The weight difference between a pound and a kilogram makes the kilogram of dimes more valuable.

If cheese costs 8.00 a pound which would cost more two thirds of a pound of cheese or three quarters of pound?

I think its a close call but i think 3 quarters of a pound costs more

Value of a pound of dimes?

$20 or 200 dimes

How many dollars are in one pound of quarters?

There are 4 quarters in a dollar, so there are 100 quarters in a pound (as there are 100 cents in a dollar). Therefore, one pound of quarters would be equivalent to $25 (100 quarters ÷ 4 quarters per dollar = 25 dollars).

How much money is 1 pound of dimes?

146 Dimes weigh 2.268 grams and it takes 200 dimes to make a pound using the current Roosevelt dimes