Meter, since I've never seen a tree that was a thousand meters high. Where do they find you people?
A tree is measured in meters, except for very young tree measured in centimeters.
Measure the tree with the meter stick.
A flexible tape measure is best. A string will do also. Just wrap the string around the tree until it doubles up on its self, then measure the string.
depends on how dense a forest it is.
Usually meters would be an appropriate unit.
You would use meter's to measure an oak tree's height.
A tree is measured in meters, except for very young tree measured in centimeters.
2,498 kilometer long 1,895 meter tallest point 1,400 meter tree line
i would measure it in feet
Measure the tree with the meter stick.
Length of a small tree branch Height of a small fence Width of a bookshelf
You can measure a tree with a few things. If I were you the easiest thing would be a ruler.
A light meter is commonly used to measure the amount of light under a tree. It measures the intensity of light in lux or foot-candles, giving a numerical value that indicates the level of illumination in that area.
Hold a yardstick perpendicular to the ground, and measure the shadow. Make a proportion, then measure the tree's shadow. Use the proportion to compute.
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