Write 0.75 in lowest terms..75 in lowest terms is: 3/4.
Write in lowest terms
In today's terms 402,070 = (CDII)LXX in Roman numerals
To write 5/20 in lowest terms divide the 5 and the 20 by 5. 5/20 is 1/4 in lowest terms.
It is already in its lowest terms
Write 0.75 in lowest terms..75 in lowest terms is: 3/4.
Write in lowest terms
In today's terms 402,070 = (CDII)LXX in Roman numerals
To write 5/20 in lowest terms divide the 5 and the 20 by 5. 5/20 is 1/4 in lowest terms.
It is already in its lowest terms
0.222 as a fraction in lowest terms = 111/500
As a fraction in its lowest terms 0.7 is 7/10
0.66 as a fraction in its lowest terms is 33/50
81/20 is already in lowest terms.
Write 0.004 as a fraction in lowest terms.
70/100 in lowest terms is 7/10.
5625 / 2835 = 125/63 in lowest terms.