675 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 5 or 33 x 52
No prime numbers can be equal to 33, as 33 is not a prime number. It is divisible by 3. Prime numbers are only divisible by 1 and themselves, and 33 does not meet this criterion.
23 x 33 = 216
Any two prime numbers, eg 3 and 17 also any two co-prime numbers eg 26 and 33
As a product of its prime factors: 3 times 11 = 33
33 = 3 x 11
2 x 33 x 52
As a product of its prime factors expressed in exponents it is: 23*33 = 216
675 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 5 or 33 x 52
No prime numbers can be equal to 33, as 33 is not a prime number. It is divisible by 3. Prime numbers are only divisible by 1 and themselves, and 33 does not meet this criterion.
Not all the time, 11 x 3 = 33
23 x 33 = 216
There are no prime numbers between 33 and 36.
The prime factorization of 33 is 3^1 * 11^1. This means that 33 can be expressed as the product of prime numbers raised to their respective exponents. In this case, 3 and 11 are both prime numbers, each raised to the power of 1. This is the simplest form of expressing 33 as a product of its prime factors using exponents.
27 = 3 x 3 x 3 = 33
Any two prime numbers, eg 3 and 17 also any two co-prime numbers eg 26 and 33
Prime factorization of 33 = 3 x 11 Prime factorization of 26 = 2 x 13 Nothing is common in the prime factorization of both numbers so LCM is equal to their product. LCM(33, 26) = 858.