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Q: Write a for loop which sums all values between 10 and 100 into a variable called total Assume that total has NOT been initialized to zero?
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What is the difference between a discrete and continuous random variable?

· A variable whose values are determined by the outcomes of a random experiment is called a random variable. A random variable is a discrete random variable if it can assume values, which are finite or countable infinite. For example, tossing of a die is a random experiment and its outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are discrete random variable. When a coin is tossed, its outcomes head and tail are discrete random variable. Three coins are thrown; the number of heads is example of discrete random variable. Note that the outcomes need ot be integers or even numbers (eg colour of eyes). · If a random variable can assume every possible value in an interval [a, b], a< b, where a and b may be - infinity and + infinity respectively, for example, the points on number line between 0 and 1; Value of 'x' between 0 and 2; Number of heads on a coin when it is tossed infinite times.

What is the difference between dependent and independent variables?

The independent variable is the variable being manipulated in the experiment in order to show the effect on the dependent variable. It is also called the experimental variable.The dependent variable is the variable being observed in the experiment. Changes in the dependent variable as a result of changes in the independent variable are observed, which is the purpose of the experiment. Dependent variable is also called the response variable.

The input variable is called the what variable?

The independent variable. The output variable is dependent on this variable's value and so is called the dependent variable.

What is the variable plotted on the horizontal or x-axis called?

it is an unusual variable called the protocathletica variable.

What is the difference between independent and dependent variable?

In any (well designed) experiment, there is one variable that the experimenter can control that affects one (or more) variables. The variable that the experimenter changes is called the independent variable. On the other hand, the other variable is dependent on the other for its change. Therefore, it is the "dependent variable."

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Can static variables be changed?

No, a static variable means that there is only one copy of that variable, and it is shared by all members of the class, or by all callers of a function.A variable that is read-only would be marked as const or final (depending on language).

A random variable that can assume only a finite number of values is referred to as?

That would be a discrete variable; or, in your case, it would probably be called a discrete random variable.

When a symbol such as or is placed between an expression what is it?

it is called a variable

What is deliberately changed in an experiment?

The variable.

What is moderating variable?

Moderation occurs when the relationship between two variable depends on a third variable. The third variable is referred to as the moderate variable or simply the moderator

What is the difference between a discrete and continuous random variable?

· A variable whose values are determined by the outcomes of a random experiment is called a random variable. A random variable is a discrete random variable if it can assume values, which are finite or countable infinite. For example, tossing of a die is a random experiment and its outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are discrete random variable. When a coin is tossed, its outcomes head and tail are discrete random variable. Three coins are thrown; the number of heads is example of discrete random variable. Note that the outcomes need ot be integers or even numbers (eg colour of eyes). · If a random variable can assume every possible value in an interval [a, b], a< b, where a and b may be - infinity and + infinity respectively, for example, the points on number line between 0 and 1; Value of 'x' between 0 and 2; Number of heads on a coin when it is tossed infinite times.

A variable that consists of indivisible categories with no other scores existing between neighboring categories is called a variable?


The difference between set-point and the process variable is called?

The error is the difference between the set-point and the process variable. It represents the deviation that the controller needs to correct in order to maintain the process variable at the desired set-point.

What is the function of default values in java?

Default values are available for any class or instance variable. If you do not specify a value for a class or instance variable the JVM will provide a default value that will ensure that the system does not end up with any unexpected errors because you used a variable that was not initialized. Ex: Public class Test { int I; } In the above class we have just declared an instance variable called 'I' but we haven't associated any value to it. The JVM automatically assigns 0 as the default value to this variable.

What is it called when a variable makes another variable change but no other variable changes?

It is called a direct or simple relationship between the two variables. This means that as one variable changes, the other variable changes in a predictable way and no other variables are involved in influencing the relationship.

In algebra I what is the input variable called?

The input variable is called the independent variable, and the ouput variable is called the dependent variable.

What is the input variable called in algebra?

the input variable is called the independent variable and the output variable is called the dependent variable.