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The simplest would be to put the numbers into an int[] (integer array) and pass that to java.util.Arrays.sort(int[]) (a static method), which will sort the array in ascending numerical order. Use a float[] or double[] if you need to sort non-whole numbers. You can also use the Collections.sort(List) method to sort the List directly. Or the Collections.sort(List, Comparator) if you wish to specify your own sorting criteria.

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Q: Write a java program to sort a list of numbers?
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Where can you find a list of 4 digits numbers?

Write down the numbers from 1000 to 9999.

HOW TO SOLVE 'C' problem?

1. write a 'c' program to read 4(four)numbers from a file 'BANK' and calculate the average of the numbers.Now print the calculated average in another output file 'AVERAGE' 2. write a 'c' program that finds the sum and average of inputted five integer numbers of the array using dynamic memory allocation function malloc(). 3. write a 'c' program to create simple elements 1,2,3,4 in the link list of 4(four)nodes and display the list's elements. 4. write a 'c' program to convert the expression (A+B)/(C+D) into postfix expression into stack.and then evaluate it for A=10,B=20,C=15,D=5 and display the stack status after each operation. 5. write a 'c' programto create a linked list implemented on an array containing the following numbers:1,2,3,3,3,4,4,9 and pack it to remove the duplicate that only the following data are contained by the nodes:1,2,3,4,9

What are all the four digit numbers that are divisible by five?

Any four-digit number that ends with 0, or with 5: 1000, 1005, 1010, 1015, ... 9990, 9995. If you want to have the complete list, I'll leave this fun part to you. Better write a computer program to list them.

What are all the squared numbers up to 500?

There are 22 of those. The biggest one is the square of 22, which is 484. It's easy for you to build your own list of all of them. -- Write down a list of the numbers from ' 1 ' to 22 . Then, one at a time . . . -- Multiply the number on your list by itself, and write the result next to it. -- When you finish doing that for all 22 numbers, you'll have the list of all square integers up to 500.

How do you figure the first ten perfect squares?

-- Write down a list of the first ten whole numbers. -- For each one, multiply it by itself, and write the product next to it.

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