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void main()

{ int n;

printf("please enter number \n");




case 0 : printf("even");


case 1 :

case -1 :





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Q: Write a program in C to check whether a given number is odd or even using switch statement?
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What is case in java?

Case is used to label each branch in the switch statement in Java Program

Can a continue statement be used in a switch statement?

If you have a loop in your switch statement or around your switch statement, you can use the continue statement in that. You cannot use a continue statement outside of a loop (do, for, or while).

What is the deffernce of the switch statement and the if statement in c plus plus?

If statement is single selection statement,whereas the switch statement is multiple selective.

What is the difference between 'switch' statement and 'if' statement?

we can use switch statement in multiple time but in if statement we can not use multiple time

What is output if we don't write break statement in switch-case in c sharp?

This question cannot be generally answered, the output depends on the actual program.

What does default mean in switch statement?

Default clause in switch statement used to indicate that the desired option is not available with the switch case statement. it is similar to else statement of if statement which is used when the condition does not satisfy.

How does the case statement work in c?

prog1: #include&lt;stdio.h&gt; int main() { switch(1) { int i=0; case 1:printf("%d",i); } getchar(); return 0; } Output: garbage value. prog2: #include&lt;stdio.h&gt; int main() { switch(1) { printf("Inside Switch"); case 1:printf("Case 1\n"); } printf("Outside Switch"); getchar(); return 0; } Output: Case 1 Outside Switch. The statements before a case labelled statement seem unreachable according to program 2 but then why don't i get an error for an undeclared variable i in the first program (only a warning). Would be really helpful if someone could explain in detail that how the switch statement is treated internally.

Why you use if and else statement in c language program?

There is no "elseif" statement in C. You can only use "else" and "if" separately. This is a good reason for switch/case/break.

What is the use of switch statement in java?

In java, a switch statement is used to simplify a long list of 'if' statements. A switch statement takes the form of:switch (variableName){case condition1; command1;case condition2; command2;...}

How do you break a loop in a switch case statement?

using break; statement

Explain with suitable example how switch statement is differ from if statement?

What are the key points you need to remember about switch case statements?

Switch case statement:The switch case statement is a better way of handling multiple choices, it is similar to 'if-else statement' and is a better way of controlling branching behavior in a program.Switch statement tests whether an expression matches one of the case.Each case is labeled by one or more integer constant expressions. If a case matches the expression value, execution starts at that case.Default case is also present which is optional and it is executed only if none of the other cases are satisfied.Each case is terminated by break statement which causes immediate exit from the switch statementIf you miss the break statement in one of the Switch conditions, all the subsequent conditions may also get executed