

Best Answer




void main()



double rad, area, perimeter;

cout<<"enter the radius ";




cout<<"\n the area is "<

cout<<"\n the primeter is "<




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Q: Write a program to find the area of circle in c?
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Remember that the area of a rectangle is width * height: static int getArea(Rectangle r) { return r.width * r.height; }

Write a c program to find the area of circle?

#include&lt;stdio.h&gt; #define PIE 3.142 void main() { int r,sum; printf("Enter the radius of area\n"); scanf("%d",&amp;r); sum=PIE*r*r; printf("The area of circle is:%d",sum); }

How do you find an area of a shape rectangle square and a circle in C program?

By using that one thing.

How do you write a program to find the circumfereence of the circle?

#include&lt;stdio.h&gt; void main() { int r; int pi=3.14; float cir,area; printf("/n enter the radius of the circle"); scanf("%d",&amp;r); cir=2*pi*r; area=pi*r*r; printf("the circumference of the circle is%d",cir); printf('the area of the circle is %d",area); } check related links

Write a shell program to find the area and circumference of the circle?

echo -n "Enter the radius of a circle : "read r# use formula to get itarea=$(echo "scale=2;3.14 * ($r * $r)" | bc)# use formula to get itd=$(echo "scale=2;2 * $r"|bc)circumference=$(echo "scale=2;3.14 * $d"| bc)echo "Area of circle is $area"echo "Circumference of circle is $circumference"# ###

How do you find the area of a circle inside a square?

all you do is find the area of the circle... if you mean find the squares area, find the area of the circle, and then the square's area and subtract the squares area to the circles area

Program to find area of circle using class in c?

class area{ int l,w,a; a=i*w; printf"area of rectangle is= %d",a; endl; }

How find the area of a square when a circle is inside?

You find the area of the whole square first. Then you find the area of the circle inside of it And then subtract the area of the circle from the area of the square and then you get the shaded area of the square

How do you find the area of a shaded circle and the area of an unshaded circle on that is inside the other circle?

To find the area of the circle pi*radius*squared and subtract the area of the figure inside