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In Java, the relevant lines would be something like this:

for (int number = 1; number <= 10; number++)

System.out.println(number, number*number, number*number*number);

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Q: Write a programs that prints numbers form 1 to 10 there squares and cubes side by side?
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Can you write every integer as the sum of two nonzero perfect squares?

No.First of all, you can't write negative numbers as sums of perfect squares at all - since all perfect squares are positive.Second, for natural numbers (1, 2, 3...) you may need up to 4 perfect squares:'s_four-square_theoremNo.First of all, you can't write negative numbers as sums of perfect squares at all - since all perfect squares are positive.Second, for natural numbers (1, 2, 3...) you may need up to 4 perfect squares:'s_four-square_theoremNo.First of all, you can't write negative numbers as sums of perfect squares at all - since all perfect squares are positive.Second, for natural numbers (1, 2, 3...) you may need up to 4 perfect squares:'s_four-square_theoremNo.First of all, you can't write negative numbers as sums of perfect squares at all - since all perfect squares are positive.Second, for natural numbers (1, 2, 3...) you may need up to 4 perfect squares:'s_four-square_theorem

How do you figure the first ten perfect squares?

-- Write down a list of the first ten whole numbers. -- For each one, multiply it by itself, and write the product next to it.

What is 60 square?

A trick for figuring out squares of larger numbers that is sometimes helpful: if you can write the numbers as the product of two different numbers, then you can square those two numbers and multiply that to find the square of the original. 602 = 102*62 = 100*36 = 3600

Write down all the square numbers 36 100 71 62 343 121?

36 is the square of 6; 100 is the square of 10; 121 is the square of 11. 71, 62, and 343 are not squares of whole numbers.

How do you write 0 as the difference of two squares?

How can you have 0 as the difference of two squares? 5^2-5^2?

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Can you write every integer as the sum of two nonzero perfect squares?

No.First of all, you can't write negative numbers as sums of perfect squares at all - since all perfect squares are positive.Second, for natural numbers (1, 2, 3...) you may need up to 4 perfect squares:'s_four-square_theoremNo.First of all, you can't write negative numbers as sums of perfect squares at all - since all perfect squares are positive.Second, for natural numbers (1, 2, 3...) you may need up to 4 perfect squares:'s_four-square_theoremNo.First of all, you can't write negative numbers as sums of perfect squares at all - since all perfect squares are positive.Second, for natural numbers (1, 2, 3...) you may need up to 4 perfect squares:'s_four-square_theoremNo.First of all, you can't write negative numbers as sums of perfect squares at all - since all perfect squares are positive.Second, for natural numbers (1, 2, 3...) you may need up to 4 perfect squares:'s_four-square_theorem

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Write algorithm compute sum of square of N numbers?

1. Design an algorithm to compute sum of the squares of n numbers?

How do you figure the first ten perfect squares?

-- Write down a list of the first ten whole numbers. -- For each one, multiply it by itself, and write the product next to it.

How can you write a sentence with prints and prince?

The prince has a lot of prints that he printed (iI don't know I know it's dumb)

Write a qbasic program to print the squares and cubes of first 10 natural numbers?

10 CLS 20 FOR n = 1 to 10 30 PRINT n, n^2, n^3 40 NEXT n 50 PRINT: PRINT: PRINT "Touch 'x' to go again, any other key to end." 60 INPUT a$ 70 IF a$ = "X" or a$ = "x" THEN 10 80 END

How do you write a program which reads a list of ten numbers and print the list in reserve order in c program?

The simplest way is probably to read the numbers into an array and then prints each element of the array starting at the last one and moving backwards.

What is 60 square?

A trick for figuring out squares of larger numbers that is sometimes helpful: if you can write the numbers as the product of two different numbers, then you can square those two numbers and multiply that to find the square of the original. 602 = 102*62 = 100*36 = 3600

Can c write programs?

A programmer can write programs in C, but C can't write anything by itself.

Write down all the square numbers 36 100 71 62 343 121?

36 is the square of 6; 100 is the square of 10; 121 is the square of 11. 71, 62, and 343 are not squares of whole numbers.

How do you write a letter for remove your finger prints?

Ask a local attorney.

Why to write programs when you have calculators?

You mean the calculators should write the programs? Well, they couldn't.