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Q: Write an equivalent expression for 7 over 14 Then enter the two consecutive whole numbers that the quotient is between?
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The "golden ratio" is the limit of the ratio between consecutive terms of the Fibonacci series. That means that when you take two consecutive terms out of your Fibonacci series and divide them, the quotient is near the golden ratio, and the longer the piece of the Fibonacci series is that you use, the nearer the quotient is. The Fibonacci series has the property that it converges quickly, so even if you only look at the quotient of, say, the 9th and 10th terms, you're already going to be darn close. The exact value of the golden ratio is [1 + sqrt(5)]/2

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product is to multiply and quotient is to divide.!

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A quotient is the result of a division sum between two or more numbers. You cannot have a quotient of a single number.

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Consecutive means following one another. E and F are consecutive, as are Tuesday and Wednesday and 100 and 101. The number 15 is NOT between any consecutive whole numbers. However, it is between the whole numbers 14 and 16 --- which of course are not consecutive.

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