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Q: Write at least three examples of logical fallacies used in Act three crucible?
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When did Arthur miller write the crucible?

He write THE CRUCIBLE IN 1953

How does knowing how to write a good argument affect your ability to analyze the effectiveness of or weaknesses in someone elses argument?

Knowing how to write a good argument helps you recognize the components of a strong argument, such as clear reasoning, credible evidence, and logical structure. This enhanced understanding allows you to identify flaws in someone else's argument more effectively, such as logical fallacies or unsupported claims, enabling you to critically assess its overall effectiveness.

Why did author Miller write The Crucible?

because he really wanted it

Can you give some help on writing a essay on fallacies?

WikiAnswers will not write an essay for you. We WILL help you learn how to write your own assignments. Click on the related link.

What did Arthur Miller want most to write in The Crucible?

The tragic Processes

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Where did aurthur miller acquire the material to write the crucible?

cause he went to matamoros for vacations....

What event in American history inspired Miller to write the Crucible?

the red scare the red scare

What prompted aurthur miller to write The Crucible?

Miller wrote The Crucible in response to the McCarthy anti-Communist trials. Take a look at some information on them. There are many connections. Hope this helps! :)

What are expenses such as heat light and salary called?

Salary is not an expense. -Please re-write so it makes a logical query.

What is a poem you can write for a project for the story The Crucible?

WikiAnswers cannot write your poems for you to copy - that is plagiarism, and it is illegal and morally wrong.However, we CAN show you how to write a poem on your own. Click on the related questions to see how to write poetry.

How do you write a sentence with the word lodgical in ity?

I think you mean LOGICAL. Here are some sentences.The logical course of action is to retreat.It seemed the logical thing to do.He is a very logical thinker.