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(x - 6)2 + (y + 5)2 = 16

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Q: Write the equation of circle if the center of a circal is 6 and -5 and redius is 4?
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How do you find the redius of a circle with a circumference of 273 inches?

Radius = 273/(2*p)i = 43.45 inches rounded to two decimal places

What would be the redius of a circle with a diameter of 8 inches?

The radius is one half the diameter so if the diameter is 8 inches then the radius is 4 inches.

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the perimeter of a pentagon 30 that is the perimeter because the pentagon has 5 sides and the measurement of each side measures to 6 inches so you multiply 5x2=30

Which is the estimate of the circumference with a redius of 6 feet?

If you're talking about a circle, the circumference is 37.7 feet, or just about 38 feet if you don't need that sort of precision. C = 2 * pi * r

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volume is 4/3 pi x the redius cubed

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volume = pi x r x r x h= 3.14 x .1799 x.1799 x 5=.508

How many gallons in a round fuel tank 5 feet long and 3 feet diameter?

The volume is that of a cylinder: radius = ½ × diameter volume = π × redius² × height = π × (½ × 3)² × 5 ft³ = 11¼π ft³ ≈ 35.343 ft³ What this is in gallons depends upon the gallon used: 1 ft³ ≈ 6.229 imp gal → 35.343 ft³ ≈ 35.343 × 6.229 imp gal ≈ 220.15 imp gal 1 ft³ ≈ 7.481 US gal → 35.343 ft³ ≈ 35.343 × 7.481 US gal ≈ 264.38 US gal

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The collective name for the bones of the elbow is the "ulna" and the "radius" of the forearm, along with the "humerus" of the upper arm. These three bones join together to form the elbow joint, allowing for the bending and straightening of the arm.