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Q: Write the program witch show that the number is even or odd?
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How do you write a C program to check whether the number is odd or even Ps-using DEV complier?

To write a C program to determine if something is odd or even you need to be a programmer. To write a program in C is complicate and only done by programmers.

Witch number is even 197 391 785 170?

The number 170 is even.

Write c program to find odd or even no?

For any number n you could use * (n % 2 == 0), which would be true for an even number, false for odd For an integer i, a simpler method would be * (i & 1), which would be true for an odd number, false for even

Any integer is input through the keyboard write a c program to find out whether it is an odd number or even number?

printf(\n "ENTER THE NUMBER\t"); scanf{"%d",&a); while(a!=0); { r=a%2; if(r==0) printf("\n\n THE NUMBER IS EVEN \t"); else printf("\n\n THE NUMBER IS ODD \t"); printf ("\n ENTER THE NUMBER \t"); scanf("%d",&a); } getch(); }

Witch even number is a prime?

A prime number is any number that only has only one and itself as factors. By definition even numbers have a factor of two. Therefore the only even number that is prime is the number 2.

How do you know if odd or even in turbo pascal program?

if n MOD 2 == 0 THEN Write ("Even");

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How do you write an odd number with even numbers?

If you add, subtract, or multiply two even numbers, you will get an even number. If you divide an even number by another even number, you may get an even number, an odd number, or even a fraction.

Write a shell program to find given no is even or odd?

The pseudo code would be as follows (you figure out the syntax) 1) Prompt the user to enter a number 2) If entered number is alpha, quit program after displaying message that the user ended the program. 3) Otherwise, find Modulo 2 of the entered number. This is a fancy way of saying "find the remainder when the number is divided by 2) 4) If Modulo 2 is zero, the number is even, otherwise odd 5) Display message showing if the entered number was Even or Odd 6) Branch back to step 1

Write c program to find the given no is even or odd?

int main () { int x; printf ("Enter the value of x\n"); scanf ("%d",&x); if (0 == x%2) printf ("Number is even\n") else printf ("Number is odd\n"); }

Write a Shell program to find the area and circumference of a circle?

echo "Enter the Number" read n r=`expr $n % 2` if [ $r -eq 0 ] then echo "$n is Even number" else echo "$n is Odd number" fi

Q2 Write a program to print even numbers between 10 and 50?

You can use int i; for (i = 10; i <= 50; i += 2) {//print i} as a program to print even numbers between 10 and 50.