If you mean: 12,000+1,200+12 then 13,212 = (XIII)CCXII in Roman numerals
Your answer in Arabic numerals: 11,000 = eleven thousand + 1,100 = eleven hundred + 11 = eleven = 12,111 = twelve thousand, one hundred and eleven Your answer in Roman numerals (since that was the chosen category, although Roman numerals/letters are not technically digits): 11,000 =XM + 1,100 = MC + 11 = XI = 12,111 = XMMCXI (Note = 10,000 is show as an X with an underscore = X)
12 thousand + 12 hundred + 12 = 13,212
four hundred five thousand, six hundred twelve.
1200 = twelve hundred or one thousand and two hundred
If you mean: 12,000+1,200+12 then 13,212 = (XIII)CCXII in Roman numerals
Twelve thousand seven hundred written in numerals is 12, 700. This has 5 digits.
Your answer in Arabic numerals: 11,000 = eleven thousand + 1,100 = eleven hundred + 11 = eleven = 12,111 = twelve thousand, one hundred and eleven Your answer in Roman numerals (since that was the chosen category, although Roman numerals/letters are not technically digits): 11,000 =XM + 1,100 = MC + 11 = XI = 12,111 = XMMCXI (Note = 10,000 is show as an X with an underscore = X)
Twelve thousand five hundred dollars = $12,500
12 thousand + 12 hundred + 12 = 13,212
12 thousand + 12 hundred + 12 = 13,212
"Twelve thousand six hundred."
Two hundred twelve thousand, five hundred.
three hundred twelve thousand six hundred twelve