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Q: X is rational number and xdenotes the greatest integer not greater than x for example2.932.Then find the value of 4.6-2x3.4 3 5.01?
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What is greater a negative or positive rational number?

A positive rational number.

Which is greater zero or any positive rational number?

Any positive rational number.

Which is a greater category of numbers rational or irrational?


Is the square of a rational number always greater than the number?


Which is greater the rational numbers or set of integers?

Within a given range, the set of rational numbers is greater. Without a given range, both sets are infinite and a comparison is not very helpful.

Why are positive rational numbers greater than negative rational numbers?

Because 1. Positive integers are greater than negative integers, and 2. Division by a positive number preserves the order.

What are the numbers between two rational number?

There are infinitely many rational numbers between any two rational numbers. And the cardinality of irrational numbers between any two rational numbers is even greater.

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Do irrational numbers contain fewer numbers?

No, the set of irrational numbers has a cardinality that is greater than that for rational numbers. In other words, the number of irrational numbers is of a greater order of infinity than rational numbers.

When to use greatest and when to use greater?

Changes from $1,000 to $5,000, whichever is greatest.

Why are every positive rational number greater than every negative rational number?

It is because of the way in which positive and negative numbers are defined.