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Twins normally skip a generation... but there is no telling until you get a sonogram.

if you DO only have one child at this time, that child has the twin gene, and could have twins.

its the women who determs if you are having twins

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Q: You and your boyfriend are having a baby and he is a twin and his twin brother is having twin girls are you going to have twins?
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Can violence solve problems?

it depends on the problem. if your TV wont work then smashing it to piece's isn't going to help but violence can be a temporary solution. If you woke up and found your mother having the living crap beaten out of her by her boyfriend then you take action. siting down and having a game of chess isn't going to help stop his violence you need to respond in kind, hears what you do: you grab a rolling pin out of the kitchen and smash his knee cap in will hes not looking.

There are 100 students distributed into 4 classrooms. There are 54 girls and 46 boys. What is the probability that a class will have 15 girls?

I am not going to help you cheat in math class!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What future tense word means to pull by a rope or chain?

Words by themselves are not future tense. Future tense is made these ways:will + verb - I will see you going to + verb - She is going to have a party next week.present continuous + time phrase - We are having a party on Saturday. I am having a party on Saturday.winch means to pull by rope or chain.will wincham/is/are going to wincham/is/are winching

What does adventure is worthwhile itself mean?

it means that if you are going on an adventure thinking its going to be great and later find out it really isn't think it out for a second the adventure is how much fun you must be having.

What is an advantage of having one predominant number system?

if you were going to live inamerica you wouldn't have to learn a completely new number system

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do not leave your boyfriend for his brother. it will break his heart. he will hate you and start blaming his brother for a failed relationship. find a way to get over it. your just going to end up with none in the end. and not to forget, you may cause a problem between the brother and your boyfriend. be careful. avoid this.

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