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Q: You are a prime number over 10 that divides evenly in to 39 What are you?
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Can 151 over 320 be simplified?

No. 151 is a prime number and as it does not evenly divide into 320 we know this can not be simplified.

What is 19 over 40 reduced too?

19/40 is in the reduced form as there is no whole number that divides 19 and 40 evenly (remainder zero).

What is 37 over 1000 in simplest form?

37/1000. 37 is a prime number and does not evenly divide into 1000, therefore this fraction can not be simplified.

The fraction 7 over 12 is in lowest terms?

already lowest 7 is a prime number and does not divide evenly in to 12 so answer is still 7/12

What is 39 over 45 in simplest form?

Because no other number that is the same will divide into both of those numbers evenly, it is in simplest form, eg. 4 over 6 can be simplified to 2 over 3 because 2 divides evenly into 4 and 6. * * * * * The above answer is wrong because 3 WILL divide into both of those numbers evenly. 39/45 = (3*13)/(3*15) = 13/15

How can you tell that 4 over 5 is in simplest form?

You can tell that 4/5 is in its simplest form because 5 is a prime number. The 5 is not evenly distributed unless it is by itself or the number 1.

How do you know when you have all the factors of any number and justify any strategy?

What I do is start with 2's and 5's because they're easiest, since every even number is evenly divisible by 2 and every whole number ending in 5 or 0 is evenly divisible by 5. Then I start from 3 going through the prime numbers, dividing the remaining part of the number by each prime number on a calculator to see if the quotient is a whole number. I continue whittling away at the number in that way with each prime number in order until the quotient I get is less than the prime number divisor I tried; at that point I know that what's left over must be a prime number.

Can thirteen over twenty-five be simplify?

No, it cant. 13 is a prime number, so only 1 and itself can go into it. 13 cannot go into 25 evenly. :)

What is 17 over 54 in simplest form?

17 over 54. 17 is a prime number, which can only be divided by itself and one. It does divide evenly into 54.

A bead factory divides 54000 beads evenly into 6 containers how many beads are in each container are there any beads left over?

9000 and none left over

What does it mean for one whole number to be divisible by another whole number?

It means, it is a number which can be divided evenly into the larger number, an even number of times. Example 2 divides into 6 , 3 times evenly, a nice whole number like 3 which is what we are looking for. Not something like 3 1/8 or 3 1/2 times this over hanging fraction like what was just stated 3.125 or 3.250 would not be a whole nice number. But with some left over portion of a number we don't desire. Its the .125 or .250 part that bug us.