That would be a 233% increase.
Either- and most people are ignorant of this fact. If your study is about how the size of the bottle affects the price, then the independent variable is the size of the bottle and the dependent is the price. However, if your study is to determine how the price that you pay affects the size of the bottle, the independent variable is the amount of money and the dependent is the bottle size.
9 pence/cents
Oh, dude, a dozen is just 12, right? So if you're getting 2 for $2.15, that's like $1.075 per bottle. Multiply that by 12 and you get $12.90. So, a dozen bottles would cost $12.90. Math, man, it's wild.
If a bottle of wine costs 10 Euros then 4 bottles of that wine will cost 4 time 10 = 40 Euros. That is very real world to me!
In the early 1980's I remember Coke running a special in the summer. A 16 oz glass bottle was 25 cents. There was a 10 cent deposit on the bottle, so you had to bring in an empty or the Coke cost 35 cents.
a bottle would cost around $30.
how much does it cost for a plastic water bottle
it cost 12000
the cost of the bottle + liquid = 18 cents Cost of a Cap is $0.05 US. Cap cost more then filling the 20oz bottle Which gives Coca Cola a pretty good profit.
This pinche bottle cost fromm $60-100 pesos i mean dollars cabron
i think its paying for the bottle the cost to bottle the water, i don t think your paying for the water
how much does a bottle of 30 year old bottle of jack daniels whiskey sour mash cost
A bottle of Snapple cost $1.59.
It can cost as little as $15 a bottle.
Each bottle cost 14.6 cents