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daughter is 17 and has red line on her upper thighs in the front of both legs. She has gain some weight but not that much. I don't see it as stretchmarks because I have stretch marks and they don't look the same. Please help


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Q: You have red lines on your inner thighs that are causing sorness what are they?
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What is the angles on the inner sides of two lines intersected by a third line?

Any angle that you like.

How can polygons be triangulated?

By lines from 1 inner vertex to all its other vertices In general number of sides minus 2 = number of inner triangles as for example an octagon has 8 sides and so 8-2 = 6 inner triangles

How Many lines are there On a chess mat?

Presumably as many as on a chess board, which would then be 18. 2 outer and 7 inner lines, in both the north-south and east-west directions.

What is a angle on the inner sides of two lines intersected by a third line?

Here a diagram would be great and help visualize your question. My quick though is that unless the first two lines are parallel, they must intersect at some point. With this assumption (not parallel) a triangle is formed and the inner angles a, b and c would add up to 180 degrees.

Why are there lines in the sidewalk?

AnswerWhen concrete dries, it shrinks and then cracks. Without the lines, cracks would form randomly in the concrete causing it to break apart. By having the lines, the cracks follow the lines since that is where the slab is the thinnest.AnswerBecause the sidewalk is made of millions of squares of cement put together and it would be too much work to fill all the lines.ANSWER:Because the sidewalk is not a continuous pour. They can only pour a few sections at a time. The lines are where one pour ended and another started. Highways and driveways are poured the same way. WITH lines. These lines are also known as stress points, due to expansion and contraction, the weather and the seasons, this keeps the concrete from cracking in the solid portion of the poured form.jfdjnvndmnmvfnjndnvjnd

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Lines that appear on one's thighs are most likely stretch marks. Stretch marks are also called striae. They are formed when the dermis tears, often from quick growth or weight change. Other causes are pregnancy, hormones, or body building.

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What does a square and a triangle have in common?

They are made up of lines and have inner angles divisible by 180

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Epithelial cells line the inner surface of organs.

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It is the endosteum.

What type of cell which lines inner cheek cell?

Stratified squamous epithelium. It is non-keratinised.