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Q: You purchased 8 pounds 10 ounces of candy from a candy shop. You want to split it equally among 3 classrooms at a local school. How much should each classroom receive?
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The lender has the right to receive all the payments. A co-buyer has no rights TO the payments.The co-buyer is equally responsible for making the payments.The lender has the right to receive all the payments. A co-buyer has no rights TO the payments.The co-buyer is equally responsible for making the payments.The lender has the right to receive all the payments. A co-buyer has no rights TO the payments.The co-buyer is equally responsible for making the payments.The lender has the right to receive all the payments. A co-buyer has no rights TO the payments.The co-buyer is equally responsible for making the payments.

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To share 3.60 equally among a group of people, you would divide 3.60 by the number of people. If there are 3 people, each person would receive 1.20.

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Yes. HG/SS come with a Pokewalker.

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[object Object]

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