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(x+1)/72 = (x-1)/54

x+1 = (72x-72)54

54x+54 = 72x-72

54x-72x = -72-54

-18x = -126

x = 7

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Q: You think of a number When you divide 72 by one more than your number you get the same answer as when you divide 54 by one less than my number. What is my number?
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the number gets bigger when u divide by a number less than one because if you have 3 chocolate bars and u want to divide each one by 1000434 pieces, you would have more chocolate pieces than before. For example 80 divide by 0.001=80000, it got bigger.

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a positive number is more, not less.

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less! 0.095 less.

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It is true that all negative numbers are less than zero. Think of a number line, zero is to the right of each negative number. Think real world, if you owed $500 to the bank would you have more money or less money than someone who owed $0?

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less i think * * * * * It IS less.