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Having a persistent pain is never a good sign. See a doctor.

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Q: You think you are pregnant in your right tube and your right side hurts all the time?
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Can you be pregnant if your belly button hurts and when you turn on your side and it hurts to?

No!!! That is a totally rediculous question

Does it mean when your side hurts does that mean your pregnant?


When breathing and right side hurts is that an appendix problem?


Why does The right side of your head and face hurts when you touch it?

sinus infection ?

When your head burns on left side and it hurts bad when i touch it?

Touch it on the right side, it's out of balance.

Which side to lay on when pregnant to feel for movement?

Your right side

What does it mean when your front side hurts?

I think that it may mean your period is coming

The top right side of head hurts when you touch?

i have the same thing. help me T_T

What are the side effects of hitting the corner of your eye really hard?

Hitting the corner of your eye really hard can cause bruising, swelling, pain, and possibly damage to the surrounding tissues. In severe cases, it can lead to vision problems or even a retinal detachment. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience persistent or worsening symptoms.

Your right side of your face is swollen and your eye hurts?

your having a stroke, or you've been punched

If you are having a cramping in the left side of your abdomen sore breasts sore back on the left side and headaches could you be pregnant?

yes you deinitely could be because im getting the same things right now. and i think im pregnant :) congratulations.

Pain below your belly button right above your private area and it even hurts in the right side of your butt?

Go to the doctor