20.4 hours
547 / 70 = 7.8142857142857142857142857142857 The answer is how long it would take you.
Speed is a representation of distance travelled over time. Thus to find the time taken you need to divide the distance travelled by the speed. In this case we would need to do 1000 miles divided by 70mph: 1000/70 = approximately 14.2857 Therefore, it would take roughly 14 and a quarter hours to travel 1000 miles at 70mph.
Time = Distance/Speed. It would take 93/70 = 1.329 hours or just under 1 hour 20 minutes.
20.4 hours
10 hours
4.57 hours
547 / 70 = 7.8142857142857142857142857142857 The answer is how long it would take you.
332.5 miles (70 x 4.75 = 332.5).
2.3 hours
Speed is a representation of distance travelled over time. Thus to find the time taken you need to divide the distance travelled by the speed. In this case we would need to do 1000 miles divided by 70mph: 1000/70 = approximately 14.2857 Therefore, it would take roughly 14 and a quarter hours to travel 1000 miles at 70mph.
11 hours 30 minutes.
350 miles. (70 x 5 = 350)
Time = Distance/Speed. It would take 93/70 = 1.329 hours or just under 1 hour 20 minutes.
At what speed - 70mph would be a journey of just over 9 hours, while at 55mph, it would take over 11.6 hours !
100/70 = 1hour 25minutes 42.9seconds (rounded)