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If the value of a discriminant is 0 what does that tell us about the type and number of roots?

The original equation, ax2 + bx + c = 0 has two equal roots whose value is -b/2a.

What is the transfer of thermal energy between two bodies which are at different temperatures?

Thermal energy can be transferred by conduction, convection, or radiation. The formulae for the rate of transfer - if that's what you are after - vary, depending on which type of transfer is predominant.

What type of problems have imaginary numbers?

Imaginary numbers are only ever used when you are using the square roots of negative numbers. The square root of -1 is i. You may find imaginary numbers when you are finding roots of equations.

What are the 2 type of roots?

There is an infinite amount of roots. You can have a square root, a cube root, a fourth root, a fifth root, and so on. The answer will slowly get smaller, but there is still a number that multiplies two times, three times, four times, five times, etc. of itself to get a number.

How does discriminant enable us to identify the number and type of solutions roots of a quadratic function?

If the quadratic equation is ax2 + bx + c = 0 then if the discriminant, b2 - 4ac is greater than 0: there are two real roots = [-b + or - sqrt(b2 - 4ac)]/2a equal to 0: there are two real coincidental roots, with the value -b/2a less than 0: there are two complex roots = [-b + or - i*sqrt(b2 - 4ac)]/2a where i is the imaginary square root of -1. The answer to the third case (discr<0) may be given as "there are no real roots".

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