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The last world footballer of the year is lionnel messi of Argentina.

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Q: You want to know the best footballer of the year?
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Who was the best footballer in 1995?

In the year the best footballer was Ronaldo from Brazil.

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the best footballer this year is Tanishq Malhotra.

Who is the best footballer this year?

Lionel messi

When will FIFA anounce the best footballer of the year?

It will be in January .

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Cristiano Ronaldo

Has messi ever been the best player in the world?

Yes Lionel Messi has won the Europen footballer of the year and the F.I.F.A footballer of the year.

The best footballer in 1995?

In the year 1995 it was Ronaldo from Brazil.

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George Weah of Liberia was awarded footballer of the year in 1995 when he played for A.C.Milan.

Who is the best footballpalyer in the world?

This is a personal opinion ,it is Lionel Messi, as at 22 to win both the European footballer of the year and the F.I.F.A footballer of the year he must be really good.

Who the best player for 2009?

The fifa footballer of the year 2009 is Lionel Messi.

Who is the best footballer of 2008 FIFA?

ronaldo was player of the year, but in the game, Buffon