Old Chief Smoke was born in 1776.
Earl Old Person was born in 1929.
Old Grandma Hardcore was born in 1936.
how old would i be if i was born august 18, 1957
24 years old.
Dogs sheep lamb rats
The NHS started in1948 it is now payed for in taxes.
Beckel joined the Kennedy campaign in 1968 while in college. His younger brother was born in 1949. My guess is Beckekwas born in1948, which makes him 63.
Torino FC was the team that won the 1948 Serie A cup.
The Serie A winners in 1948 were Torino Football Club in Italy.
The team that won the Portuguese Liga in 1948 was Sporting CP.
Nothing, it was founded in 1948, before that it was the League of Nations which as you probably know, failed completely at keeping peace.
Mileva MariΔ, the first wife of physicist Albert Einstein, died on August 4, 1948.
When you are born you are zero years old.
if you were born in 1991 who old wil you be?
Old Owl was born in 179#.
The six counties of th province of Ulster that remained under British rule after 1948 are: Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry and Tyrone.