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And get some exercise.

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Q: Your bottom half of your body is far bigger than your top what should you BE EATING?
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How many sets and reps of squats and kickbacks should you do each day to obtain a bigger bottom?

you should work upper body one day then the next day do lower body, never do the same muscles everyday because they tear when you work them then they have to heal. if you keep working the same muscle then it will never get bigger.

Are miriam o callaghans tits getting bigger?

The womans body works in a mysterious way. She might be gettin bigger breast from her eating habbits and or its in her genes.

Does bacon make your butt bigger?

No but eating an excessive amount of calories will

Is the right side of the body bigger than the left side of the body?

It is common for one side of the body to be slightly larger or stronger than the other due to factors like hand dominance or muscle use. However, significant differences in size between the right and left sides can be indicative of muscle imbalances or posture issues that may need to be addressed through targeted exercises or physical therapy.

Can your butt get bigger by eating standing up?

Yes, I think your butt does get big if you eat anything while standing up

Can chicken make your feet get bigger?

Eating lots of fried chicken will actually make your feet look smaller by comparison to the rest of your body.

What will enlarge your butt to a bigger size without surgery or shots?

Everyone comes in different shapes and sizes, in my opinion, you should not change your body in any way. It's just not healthy. The only way I can think is to get fat, then liposuction every other part of your body except the bottom.

What should you eat more to enlarge the breast?

i got told that you should eat fatty foods then your breasts grow bigger but so does your body, then you just loose the weight and you will have bigger breasts.

Is 1600 calories good to lose weight for a man?

it all depends, but generally you should be eating a healthy diet of roughly 2000 calories and working out. one thing to remember is eating calories, and then burning them off at the gym is much better than just not eating them. its much better to eat 2000 and burn off 400 than to just eat 1600 and not go to the gym. also, you height, weight, body composition, etc should help define your diet. if you're at 30+% body fat, then 1600 is probably alright because your body will use your excess fat as energy... if you're 8-% body fat, your metabolism will slow down and it is very unhealthy. bottom line is that cardio exercise, eating enough protein and lifting weights is the key to losing weight. muscle is the engine of your metabolism (the bigger the engine, the more calories/fat you burn) - its as simple as that. the best way to burn calories and get in shape is to lift, but cardio is a very important aspect as well.

Is there any medication to get bigger breasts?

Boobs are fat tissue. Eating more fat will increase their size, but will also increase the size of every other part of your body.

What if you like the taste of feces?

Eating feces is harmful to the body, and feces should not be consumed by humans. If you cannot stop eating it, you should contact a therapist trained in helping people with addictions or a therapist specializing in paraphilias .

Is the brain bigger than the liver?

Normally, yes; eating a lot can cause the stomach to expand and become bigger, though.