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90 No, x=11 (x)+(x+7)+(x+7+7)+(x+14+7)+(x+21+7)=5x+7+14+21+28=5x+70 5x+70=125, 5x=55 and x=11

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Q: Your dog ate 125 hot dogs over a five-day period Each day he ate seven more than on the previous day How many did he eat on the first day?
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Mr Macho your Great Dane ate 125 hot dogs in a five-day period each day he ate seven more hot dogs then the previous day how many hot dogs did he eat on the first day?

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Your dog ate 125 hot dogs over a five-day period Each day he ate seven more hot dogs than on the previous day How many hot dogs did he eat on the first day?

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Starting the pill before your period may delay your period, but you may also have breakthrough bleeding during the first three cycles. If starting the pill before your period, use a back up birth control method for the first seven days.

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