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Q: Your length cannot be measured but you named by two of your points?
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My length cannot be measured but I am named by two of my points.?

Two points determine a line and lines have no limit to what their length can be. North South East or West, it matters not, a line will extends forever. Therefore, it cannot be measured.

What is my length cannot be measured but i am named by two of my points?

An infinite line or a ray.

Do you name a circle by the points on the circle Like a line segment is named by it's two end points how is a circle named By it's center Point?

You can completely specify a circle in a plane by giving the coordinates of its center point, and the length of the radius.

What are Points about a boy no more?

the points are that a boy named Adam has to delever a letter to a friend named davi

Points will be named with capital .?


Is points named by capital letters true or false?

Points are named with the capitol letter 'P' in the beginning. So yes they are named with capitol letters : TRUE They are also only named with ONE capitol letter.

What is the unit that resistance is measured in?

Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω), named after the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm.

Who measured the distance of Andromeda Nebulae and named after him?

Andromeda Galaxy

How many gay guys in the world are named Blake?

There are no statistics that are measured on this.

What math word can't be measured and is named by 2 of its point?

A line.

Is a circle named by two points in the circle?

It is typically named using one point, which is the center. Sometimes, a circle could be referred to "a circle with diameter AB" in which two points are named. However, you need three non-collinear points to uniquely determine a circle.

What is the difference between length and perimeter?

Length is the distance between two different points. But perimeter is the distance between the same point. Really interesting. Isn't it? Perimeter of sqaure is 4 x side Perimeter of rectangle is 2 (length + breadth) Perimeter of triangle is a + b + c Perimeter of a circle is specially named as circumference.