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12X9 = 108 sq ft

54 inches = 4.5 feet

24 yds needed

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Q: Your wall is 12X9 how many linear yards of wallcovering would you need 54 width?
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How do you convert square yards to linear yards?

The other two answers are people who have no clue what they are talking about. A linear yard is not a measurement of length. It is a measurement of area in certain industries. What is actually means is that only one of the dimensions is a yard. The other dimension varies. They are right that you can't convert between them. You have to know what the other dimension is. However, they are not right in thinking that they are two different things.AnswerSquare yards and linear yards measure two different things (area and length) so it is not possible to convert between the two. AnswerSquare yards and linear yards measure two different things (area and length) so it is not possible to convert between the two. That is true but if you know how many yards of fabric you have and the width ( in inches) you can convert to sq yards.yards X (width in inches)/36 = square yards

How many yards is in 50 Linear yards?

Yards and linear yards are the same measurement. Linear yards are a way of distinguishing between distance, area, and volume.

How do you Convert linear yard to square feet?

A square yard is a unit of area. A linear foot is a unit of distance. The two units are therefore incompatible.As long as you know the width you can convert square yards to linear feet. The formula I use is this... Linear feet = ((36SY)/w)/3. SY= square yards, w=width in inches. Many say you cannot convert a measyre of area to a measure of length, but as long as you know the width you can.

80 linear feet equals how many square yards?

This would be an unanswerable question as 80 linear feet is a linear unit and square yards is a measure of area. Now if the yard is 80 linear feet by 80 linear feet , that would be an area of 6400 square feet. Since 9 square feet occupy a square yard, that would be an area of 711 1/3 square yards. But, 80 linear feet is only a measure in one dimension and area is a two dimensional measure

How many square yards in 21 feet?

7 The dimension you provide is not a squared dimension but a linear dimension. There are no squared dimensions in a linear dimension. There are 7 linear yards in 21 linear feet, but no squared yards.

Related questions

How do you convert 2500 linear yards into square yards?

Linear yards only takes into account the length, square yards is the length multiplied by the width. You could arrive at an answer by calculating the square root of 2500 which is 50

How do you convert price per linear yard to price per sq yard?

The conversion requires information about the width of the product - in yards. If it is w yards wide, then price per square yard = price per linear yard/w

If the cost is 96 a linear yard how much would it be a sq yd width is 150?

It is not possible to answer the question since there are no units for the width.If the width (150 whatevers) is converted to w yards, then the cost is 96/w

How do you convert square yards into liner feet?

This works for me. I am working with 12ft. width rolls. I divide the square yards by 1.333333. If you have 4ft. width rolls, you divide by 0.444444, 6ft. width you divide by 0.666666. Therefore, in this method you need to know at least one other dimension.

550 linear yards equals to how many yards?

Linear yards and yards are the same measurement. Therefore, 550 linear yards is equal to 550 yards.

How do you convert square yards to linear yards?

The other two answers are people who have no clue what they are talking about. A linear yard is not a measurement of length. It is a measurement of area in certain industries. What is actually means is that only one of the dimensions is a yard. The other dimension varies. They are right that you can't convert between them. You have to know what the other dimension is. However, they are not right in thinking that they are two different things.AnswerSquare yards and linear yards measure two different things (area and length) so it is not possible to convert between the two. AnswerSquare yards and linear yards measure two different things (area and length) so it is not possible to convert between the two. That is true but if you know how many yards of fabric you have and the width ( in inches) you can convert to sq yards.yards X (width in inches)/36 = square yards

How many yards is in 50 Linear yards?

Yards and linear yards are the same measurement. Linear yards are a way of distinguishing between distance, area, and volume.

How many linear yards are in 15000 square feet?

It is impossible to convert square units into linear units as this requires losing a dimension. An area can have any shape you desire: all that matters is that its area is the required value. Examples: a rectangle of area 15,000 sq ft can have dimensions of 3 ft by 5,000 ft or 1 linear yard by 1666 2/3 linear yards (with a perimeter of 3335 1/3 linear yards); or a rectangle can be 60 ft x 250 ft or 20 linear yards by 83 1/3 linear yards (with a perimeter of 206 2/3 linear yards); Or the area could be enclosed by a circle of radius approx 23.03 linear yards (with a perimeter of approx 144.72 linear yards; Or the surface area of a sphere with a radius of approx 11.52 linear yards (with no perimeter). It can be said that a linear yard has zero width, therefore there are 15000 sq ft / 0 ft = infinitely many linear feet = infinitely many linear yards.

What is 250 yards width 500 yards long into acres?

That would be 25.8 acres.

A rectangel has a length of 5 yards and a width of 3 yards What is its perimeter?

The rectangle would have two sides with 5 yards length and two sides with 3 yards of width, so you would have 5*2 + 3*2 = 10 + 6 = 16 yards.

How do you Convert linear yard to square feet?

A square yard is a unit of area. A linear foot is a unit of distance. The two units are therefore incompatible.As long as you know the width you can convert square yards to linear feet. The formula I use is this... Linear feet = ((36SY)/w)/3. SY= square yards, w=width in inches. Many say you cannot convert a measyre of area to a measure of length, but as long as you know the width you can.

How do you convert square feet into linear yards?

To convert square feet to linear yards, you need to know the width of the material in feet. Divide the square footage by the width of the material in feet to get linear yards. The formula is Linear Yards = (Square Feet / Width in Feet).