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Q: How to write words in triangle formation?
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He drew a triangle on his geometry test.

How did Bermuda triangle occur?

Continental drift and plate tectonics are largely responsible for the formation and arrangement of the landmarks that draw the Bermuda triangle

What are vertices from a triangle?

The vertices of a triangle are the endpoints. In other words, when the sides of the triangle intersect, they form a vertex of a triangle. A triangle has a total of three vertices.

Does Bermuda triangle change formation?

No, its always been that way as long as it has been discovered.

Write an algorithm to calculate the area of a triangle?

Area of any triangle: 0.5*base*perpendicular height

What shape is formed by the 10 pins in a bowling alley?

The pins are lined up in a triangle formation.

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How many tenpins are used for indoors bowling?

As the name suggests, 10 pins are used, arranged in a triangle formation with the point of the triangle (head pin) facing the bowler