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Q: What Is the rule of thumb stating that if there are two explanations for a phenomenon the simplest explanation is more often the best one?
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What Is the rule of thumb stating that if there are two explanations for a phenomenon that the simplest explanation is more often the best one?


What is the rule of thumb stating that if there are two explanations for a phenomenon?


What is the meaning of cause and effect hypothesis?

A cause and effect hypothesis is a proposed explanation stating that one phenomenon (the cause) leads to or influences another phenomenon (the effect). It suggests that changes in the cause will result in changes in the effect, allowing researchers to test and analyze relationships between variables.

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No, there is no law stating that an employer has to give you an explanation for not hiring you.

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To write a letter stating that someone works for you, you should use official company stationery and begin the letter with an explanation that the person in question has worked for you from x date to y date.

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You can write a simple letter stating why you don't have proof of employment. It will be up to the company whether they accept your letter or not.

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You do not need to write an explanation letter. It is better not to make any waves and just go along with the new policy. If you need to fight this, you should talk directly to HR or your boss.

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It's important to address the fake explanation letter calmly and professionally. You can respond by stating that you acknowledge receiving the letter but that you don't agree with its content. Provide factual information to clarify any misunderstandings and express your willingness to discuss the situation further if needed.

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Ptolemy sought to explain planetary movements by stating that every planet in the solar system revolved around the sun. Astronomers began to question this explanation when they realized that planets often appeared to be moving backwards relative to Earth.

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Newton's third law, stating every action has an equal and opposite reaction, describes lift. As air hits the wing from an opposing direction, it creates drag and lift results because of the third law. And I am not exactly sure why it is considered incorrect.

Which of these steps of the scientific method involves stating a relationship but not proposing an explanation for the relationship A. observation B. scientific law C. theory D. hypothesis?

B. Scientific law. Scientific laws describe a relationship between variables based on consistent patterns observed in experiments or observations, without providing an explanation for why this relationship exists. Hypotheses and theories, on the other hand, propose explanations for observed phenomena.